An audiovisual recording that offers a historical journey through several monuments of Antequera. A remarkable sight that avoids the typical general views offered by the touristy brochures, focusing on the details and searching for a macro-vision to get a good visual composition, playing with lights and shadows instead of the general view of the image. The sound track includes a serie of musical themes that change the style to adapt them to the different historical periods, such as, Roman Empire, Al-Andalus, Renaissance, Baroque Period, etc.


Photosetting and production:

Juan Luis Reina Acedo


Musical composition, arrangements and programme planning:

Oscar Menéndez.


ANTEQUERA (A deeper look)

REPORTS  La Tribuna TV

Works carried out disinterestedly for the disappeared group "Tribuna de España" and its director Josele Sánchez in favor of freedom of journalistic expression and against the institutional political mafia that governs us by obeying the orders of large corporations and making us more and more slaves of a new fascist and totalitarian world order that has ended with Josele Sánchez in exile and with an increasingly large number of countries in the hands of private interests.